Integrated Clinical Dry Needling
Upper Extremity, 2-Day Course
The Integrated Clinical Dry Needling
UE Course provides clinicians with a deeper understanding of the dry needling mechanisms, evidence for the utilization of dry needling, and needle handling and CDC needle safety. Pain education and clinical application of dry needling techniques. Additionally, participants will be able to integrate pain sciences into their clinical practices. All participants will review the following: trigger points, patient positioning, relevant anatomy, including vasculature, nervous tissue, and viscera, dry needle techniques, and needle handling for all listed muscles.
About the Instructor
Dr. Mark Milligan, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT is an orthopedic manual therapist that specializes in the evaluation and treatment of musculoskeletal spinal conditions and is Board Certified in Orthopaedics and a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy. He is also certified in dry needling and in Therapeutic Pain Science. He earned his Doctorate of Physical Therapy at the University of the Colorado, School of Medicine in Denver, Colorado. He went on to complete an Orthopedic Physical Therapy Residency and Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy Fellowship with Evidence in Motion (EIM). He is a full-time clinician and owner of Revolution Human Physical Therapy and Education, a micro-education company. He is also a physical therapist with Encompass Home Health in Austin, Texas. Dr. Milligan serves as adjunct faculty for the Doctor of Physical Therapy Programs at South College and The University of St. Augustine. Dr. Milligan is also primary faculty for Musculoskeletal Courses. He previously taught trigger point dry needling courses for EIM across the country. Mark has presented at numerous state and national conferences about dry needling and has been published in peer reviewed journals. He is an active member of the TPTA, APTA, and AAOMPT and is current the Capital Area District Chair for the Texas Physical Therapy Association and has great interest in governmental affairs.
Course Schedule
Pre-Course Contact Hours, 3.5
1. Lecture on history, types, mechanisms, evidence of dry needling.
2. Lecture on safety, sharps safety, blood borne pathogens
Day 1 / Saturday, 10 hours
8:00 -8:30
Safety and Foundations and Rules/Regs
8:30 -9:45
Upper Trap/levator
9:45 -10:45
10:45 -1:30
11:30 -2:30
Lunch- Case Report Headache
12:30 -1:30
Pec Major and Subscapularis
1:30 -2:30
Rhomboids, Latissimus
2:30 -2:45
Teres minor and major
2:45 -3:45
3:45 -4:15
Wrist Extensors
4:15 -5:00
Wrist Flexors
5:00 -6:00 End Day 1
Hand Intrinsics End of Day 1
Day 2 / Sunday, 10.5 hours
8:00 -8:30
Round Robin Practice, Check off
8:30 -9:45
Review of Mechanisms/Pain Sciences
9:45 -11:15
Cervical Spine erectors/multifidus
11:15 -2:00
Splenius Capitis/Cervicis
12:15- 1:15
Lunch-Case Report Shoulder Pain
1:15 -2:45
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
2:45 -3:45
Inferior Obliquus Capitis
3:45 -4:30
4:30- 5:30
Muscle Check Off
5:30- 6:30
Total Contact Hours: 24.0
Location: Baton Rouge General - Center for Health, 9001 Summa Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA