Upon conclusion of this course, the participant will be able to:
1. Describe several factors that which make pain a most complex experience.
2. Discuss in detail the differences between acute and chronic pain.
3. Define sensorimotor system (SMS) and its components – proprioception, postural stability, muscle tone.
4. Describe the mechanism of muscle imbalance in response to chronic pain stimulus.
5. Define tonic and phasic muscles and give several examples of each.
6. Define trigger point and discuss its pathophysiology.
7. Describe the fascial system as it relates to postural and motor dysfunction.
8. Demonstrate the ability to palpate and effectively release myofascial trigger points.
9. Demonstrate the ability to perform myofascial release.
10. Demonstrate the ability to perform neural mobilizations.
11. Demonstrate the ability to use both Leukotape and Kinesiotape and discuss when each would be used most effectively.
12. Create a treatment plan for various neurological conditions including manual therapy for pain and soft tissue management.
● Location – Baton Rouge Rehab Hospital
● Date – October 1, 2016
● For occupational therapists
● 6 hours of CEUs
● Dress – comfortable lab attire
● 8:00 8:30 am – Registration
● 8:30 10:00 am – Understanding Pain
o Acute Pain
o Chronic Pain
▪ Muscle Imbalance
▪ Tonic and Phasic
▪ Changes in sensorimotor processing
●10:00 10:15 am – Break
●10:15 am 12:00 pm – Pain and (Dys)function
o Review Muscle Imbalance
o Trigger Points
o Myofascial Restrictions
oHow Does Pain Limit Functional Goals?