Recovering Function in the Hemiplegic Upper Extremity Using NDT Handling Strategies
Nicky Schmidt, PT, NDTA Coordinator/Instructor
May 16-17, 2015
Rehab Connection, 4519 Westbank Expressway, Marrero, LA
Marrero, LA
12 CE Credits
Click here to download Course Brochure
Course Description
This two day course will focus on the assessment and treatment of neuro-motor system impairments that limit functional use of the arm and hand following a CVA or brain injury. Lectures, laboratory practice and patient demonstrations will provide participants an opportunity to explore primary and secondary impairments restricting use of the upper extremity for active support and gross motor function during basic activities of daily life. Participants will practice treatment strategies for improving alignment and functional range of motion of the shoulder girdle and hand while decreasing and preventing pain, subluxation, swelling, and contracture in patients with marked weakness or varying degrees of hypertonus. Strategies for facilitating active isometric, eccentric and concentric motor control around the scapula-thoracic, gleno-humeral, elbow, wrist and finger joints will be practiced in both sitting and standing.
The Instructor will demonstrate clinical reasoning with NDT problem-solving principles and treatment interventions to assess and treat an actual patient with various motor dysfunction resulting from a brain lesion.